Over the last 5 years of ministry Bruce and Sharon have prayed for many barren wombs to be opened up. This little boy is one of many who have been born to couples who have not been able to conceive naturally after some years of desperate waiting
When Jesus took his leave of the disciples, he commanded them to go into all the world, making disciples, teaching them all the things he had taught them, which included healing the sick, casting out demons, even raising the dead. He also promised that signs and wonders would follow those who believe. A tall order, and an impossible task without the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

This man was healed of lung disease and TB in 2018. He has been breathing dust and smoke all of his life in very difficult conditions. “His breathing was so bad, he absolultely needed a miracle", admits Bruce.

This young girl was totally dumb, but began speaking immediately after prayer and even called her parents by mobile to give them the news!
In 1985 Bruce had a life transforming encounter with the Holy Spirit at a John Wimber Conference in London. Already an evangelist, Bruce began to experience sovereign manifestations of the Holy Spirit in his meetings which have continued and increased up to the present day.
In early days in Kenya, the power of God would fall like fire on whole congregations, but the fruit of those encounters has only become apparent in the last few years, where time and again we have met young pastors who tell us they received the call of God into the ministry during those visitations. As the ministry has widened out from church meetings to town-wide open-air evangelistic missions, and latterly, regional revival crusades of some thousands, so the anointing of the Holy Spirit has caused signs and wonders to follow the ministry. We have been privileged to witness some incredible miracles: the lame walking; a man dumb from birth uttering his first word; “Jesus”; the monsoon weather standing still just around a town where the gospel was being preached for the first time; and incredibly, two death bed miracles where life returned after all hope had gone. Throughout the years, seeing multitudes freed from demonic oppression has been a hallmark of the ministry. Most humbling of all of course, has been to see countless thousands surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. On three occasions, it has been incredible to witness whole villages abandon witchcraft and idols and bow the knee to Jesus.