Bruce and Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

Is Revival possible ?
YES ! All things are possible with God, and ultimately it is in His hands, but He is looking for those who will pray and have faith for revival to come to our nation. Mango International is committed to play its small part in the greater plan, and work with others who have a similar heart and vision to bring a spiritual awakening to the UK, such as those pictured with Bruce.
Bruce and Rev Claudio Freidzon

Bruce' s life was deeply impacted in Argentina through the ministry of Rev Claudio Freidzon (above) and Evangelist Carlos Anacondia.
Bruce and Carlos Anacondia

Historic revivals have come through individuals and small groups who have known God’s power and anointing, both in the private place and when ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ publicly. In most cases signs, wonders and miracles changed individuals, families, churches and communities across all walks of life.
Having witnessed sovereign outpourings of the Holy Spirit in other nations over the last 25 years, Bruce believes that you can carry a supernatural anointing for revival. God is looking for those who are available and willing to be used by Him, who are living in purity and who are passionate about the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What would revival look like ?
We would expect to see a turning of individuals across every age group, cultural background and class, in full surrender to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. This would spread across the nation regardless of denomination or church. People would repent unashamedly of their selfish godless ways, and would passionately encourage others to seek such a transformation.
Prayer would increase, church attendance would increase, and signs, wonders and miracles would be numerous. The unity of the Holy Spirit would be sought by believers, and previous doctrinal differences would be of no importance in a great wave of salvation, healings and deliverance from evil spirits.